This program focusing on ground & cargo handling designed by PT. Jasa Angkasa Semesta, Tbk for high school graduate which is preparing its students to be ready to work in the aviation industry, both domestic and international.
Admission requirements
- Min. High School Sraduate
- Max. 25 Years Old
- Min. Height Female (158 cm) & Male (168 cm)
- English Proficient (verbal & written)
- Proportional Body Posture
- Good Looking
- Not Color Blind
- Pass the Screening Test
Payment Method
Payment 3 times :
1. First Payment is IDR 7.000.000
2. Second payment is IDR 5.000.000
3. Third payment is IDR 5.000.000
Training Duration
2.5 months in Class
2.5 months on the Job Training (OJT)
Daftar Anggota
Perumahan Delta Sari Indah Blok A0-8 Waru Surabaya